Yukiko, Sayaka: Blue Effect - Osaka - vocals and guitar and has a drum Wanted!

Still lyrics ♪ Please ask it if you want, but is also no Song Title (to the twin guitar) vocals and guitar and has a drum Wanted! It is a girl band that activity in Osaka! If high school students to 22-year-old woman! Please contact us by e-mail or Twitter if you have interest! E-mail: m@haniroo-music.com Twitter: Https://Twitter.Com/Blueffect1 ※ the video comments section Please note that it does not accept applicants. Current members Guitar: Yukiko (21 years old) Http://Ameblo.Jp/yukiko-ada/ base: Sayaka (18 years old) Http://Ameblo.Jp/sayaka-ada/

I tried playing original songs by two people! Guitar and bass!