Nita Strauss: The most shredded shredder?

Nita Strauss

It was so awesome to have the chance to talk about my fitness journey and staying healthy and in shape on the road!! Thank you so much for this opportunity!! They even have a before and after of me wearing my old stage pants 😱

It honestly is a dream come true to feel confident and happy with how I look... A lot of people have been saying "You looked better before" or telling me to eat... The reality is, even if some people liked the way I looked more when I was heavier... I wasn't healthy. And more importantly, I wasn't HAPPY. Being on the road 10 months out of the year and drinking all the time, eating pizza and fast food late at night every day... that kind of lifestyle takes a serious toll on your physical and mental health.

I eat A LOT now! I just eat the right stuff. 💁🏼🍴 As I've been saying, there's a big difference between eating healthy and starving yourself. And I feel so good you guys... I feel energized and ready to take on the world... And I'm really, really happy, which at the end of the day is what matters.

Check out the link below for the full article and thank you so much to Brian, Eric, Danielle and everyone at bbcom for your support and helping all of us be our#bestself, and as always to Josh for being the positive influence for change in my own life.