Alicia Vigil, Kiana De Leon: Vigil Of War - Whisky A Go-Go Last free date!

Alicia Vigil
"MAKE WAR, NOT LOVE"  Last FREE Vigil Of War show of The Whisky A Go-Go residency is this upcoming Monday - you don't wanna miss the opportunity to see us and the lineup of amazing female-fronted bands! We're on at 7:30 & then we have Earthsleep SVETLANAS Barb Wire Dolls Turbulent Hearts NEW EViL ! It's been such a blast & I'm definitely getting sad knowing this one will be our last of the 4, but we aren't planning on stopping the momentum at all so be on the lookout for music, shows and more! Artwork: EXHIBIT A GALLERY#VIGILOFWAR #VOW #WHISKYAGOGO#FEMALEFRONTED #METAL #PUNK #ROCK#SUNSETSTRIP #BARBWIREDOLLS#SVETLANAS #EARTHSLEEP#TURBULENTHEARTS #NEWEVIL #NEWMUSIC#FREESHOW — with Kiana De Leon, Sasha De Leon and Shane Taylor.
