Nita Strauss, Nicole Papastavrou: Guitar World interview for the new band We Start Wars

How would you describe the band’s sound?

PAPASTAVROU: I’d say it’s super melodic metal but also has a little bit of something for everyone. We wanted to broaden our audience not do anything too aggressive, but there’s still a little bit of heaviness in there.

STRAUSS: There's a lot of crossover appeal. Nicole and I probably have the heaviest influences in the band, but when it comes down to it we make music a lot of people can enjoy.
Why the name, We Start Wars?

STRAUSS: I've had that phrase stuck in my head for at least 10 years. I remember being in school when one of the teachers said to us, "The greatest wars in history were fought over a beautiful woman.” I just remember thinking how badass that was. The concept of how the love and honor of a woman was worth putting everything on the line for. I also love the aesthetic and idea of the female warrior and someone who can fight her own battles and not have to depend on anyone for anything. That's a lot of what this band is all about.

Full post:

WE START WARS- The Animal Inside
