Fin ElMira : Instrument Song Demo with Funasshi and Doctor X's theme slap

It is a demo of an instrument song ♪ It
contains only a drum and a base, but how to arrange it from here ... Please look forward to it!
Finished version is scheduled to be included in 1st single "El.Mira (Emi et al.)" Solo release on October 22 ♪ The

release memorial event & the first live was also decided ♪

I want you to join us also here Well!

us twitter: fin_bass
facebook: ElMira Fin

10.24 (fri)
Ideograph Decode 4th EP releace party.
Shining bounce party vol.4
Shibuya mliky way
open / start undecided
adv / door TBA

【Base】 Instrument Song Demo with Funasshi 【Fin】

【Base】 Doctor X's theme slap 【Try to play】
