
Jazmine Reedwide: Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold Cover wth Solos

Ariane Cap: playing a medley of grooves Marleaux basses

Emily Hastings: Adele Hello Guitar Instrumental Cover

Mayuo: Tears in the rainbow - Haruhata model guitar

News: Metal Has Curves - Free compilation album of all female band songs

Alessandra Funaro: The cat is back - Nettuno Fuzz + Delay and Wah + Mezzabarba Skill Tube Head

Adunbee: Scream - Avenged Sevenfold cover | Adunbee

Yui: Cyntia - Cynicism - live performances

Gabi Suyama: Some cool Improvisation on Voodoo Child

Julieta Guitarrista: live at the female festival Rock in Pussy