
Tatiana Pará: SRV (Eric Johnson) with Darta Effects pedals

Courtney Cox,Nikki Stringfield: Iron Maidens Central and South America tour dates

Lindsey Stirling: Crystallize - Dubstep Violin Original Song - 100,000,000 views!!!!

Midori Tatematsu: Gekijo * METALicche

Miyako Watanabe: 21g / Amaterasu hymn MV

Anouck André: Guitar Idol 4 - #Love Life

Yuu Chi: GIT MASTERS 2014 Winning Run ☆

Angela Maldonado: Muse - Panic Station - Bass cover

Brena Amancio: Solo song "My Universe" by PG

Anna Greta Giannotti: Feel - the obsession of these days ...