
Nicole Papastavrou: Liuteria ROX guitar - string overload!

Sapphire Ng: Room 335 - Larry Carlton and Spain - Chick Corea

The Commander-in-Chief: Xvive Micro Pedals

Laura Klinkert: endorses Jim Dunlop Guitar Products

Sadie Johnson, Krista Hess: The Sad Sam Blues Jam - The Slippery Noodle Inn 2014

Claudia Gamba: Cellulite Star - Making of Out Of The Cage

Gabbie Rae: Live "December Jam" Tempe, AZ

Millisa Henderson: Vince Guaraldi's Christmas Time Is Here - as arranged by Steve Vai

Alessia Porto: Crying - Vixen - Bad reputation all girl Italian cover band

Marga Abejo, Jenny de Vera, Angelica Vinculado: Triple Fret - Awesome Female Guitar Trio