
Moa Henriksson, Lace Frehley: KO-ED KISS 2015-09-14 Garden Grove Elks Lodge - Jack Lue Series

Cynthia Maalouf: B Bender Tap Technique - great original tapping

Yasi Hofer: A Day in the Life a la Jeff Beck - tasty solo work

Lari BasΓ­lio: with Andre Nieri - DVD The Sound Of My Room - live

Saki: photos of new Killer guitar and Mary's Blood "Invasion of Queen" Tour dates 2015

Nita Strauss: meet Alice Cooper's premier shredder at UK free clinic shows for Blackstar!

Dulce Zuloaga, Flor Zuloaga: Baby Dollz - Uncontrolled Music Video

Giulia Marta Vallar: Hey it's Venice Beach - so why not Stairway to Heaven Guitar Solo

Ririka: I tried playing the Nashisora ​​Rainbow!

Susan Santos: Time solo Pink Floyd with LsL guitar

Itsuki, Rio: Luxion - JRock band

Toki, Marina Hayakawa: Aldious and CherryHearts guitarists checking out their ESP guitar yesterday

Aiko: CREA live show dates in Shibuya, Japan

Ice: "Treacherous" performance playthrough of original progressive metal compositions