
Volks Danson: Iced Earth - Dark saga chunky guitar riffing

Andressa Marques: Mouxi plays Isolated - great performance using Tagima E1 Laranja Edu Ardanuy Signature

Alexandra Zerner: new album - Aspects 2015 - Teaser #1

Simona Soddu: Leftovers Sampler - from the exciting new album Leftovers by Simona Soddu

Mayuo: demos the Haruhata model 9 Stratocaster and Hughes Kettner amp

Midori Tatematsu: Metaritche - guitar demonstration and performance in Japanese

Jazmine Reedwide: Aces High - Iron Maiden Guitar Cover - she can't stop playing this song!

Ekaterina Azarova: Led Zeppelin "Stairway to heaven" solo cover

Chantel McGregor: European Tour 2015 - A video diary of our European Tour in November/December 2015.

Millisa Henderson: Guthrie Govan's "Wonderful Slippery Thing"

Gabriella Quevedo: Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - yep it's Christmas time folks!

Genny Jam: Rock with You - Michael Jackson GennyJam Cover

Jess Lewis: The Traveller - superb fingerpicking math rock original