
Shreddelicious: congratulations to our sister site Truth In Shredding for passing 8.5 million page views!

Divinity Roxx: The ImPossible Album is available for preorder

Kiana De Leon: Vixen Vendetta - Black Sabbath - Into The Void

Lexii Lynn Frazier: the Double LF answers a bunch of questions from fans

Christina Crofts: live perfromance with the band stormcellar

Hannah Rose, Chanelle Romero: Cosmic Reaction - The Vault Solo Highlights

Gabby Logan: Come Thru - jamming with Diamond from Crime mob

Tara Lynch: details of upcoming debut solo album Evil Enough produced by Derek Sherinian

Jen Majura: plays... The Crying Machine (Steve Vai)

Kristina Baraboshkina: Quazar - Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With