
Nora Bite: live trio - promotional - Godin Montreal

Libby Butters-Smith: Desensitised - Sex Toy, Hare and Hounds Birmingham, 2018

Lauren Tate, Becky Baldwin: Hands Off Gretel - Kiss Me Girl Fulford Arms, York 2018

Nayra Dharma: Time - on home made Telecaster

Emily Hastings: Guitar Class Day 1- History of the Electric Guitar

Magdalena Yantahtova: Polyphia - Euphoria

Joan Gong: Polyphia "G.O.A.T" riff

Tash Wolf: Crazy Gnarls Barkley

Liheia Metzengerstein: The Faceless - The Ancient Covenant

Böse Fuchs: Unzucht - Unzucht Guitar Cover [4K / MULTICAMERA]

Leticia Filizzola: Agosto - D'Angelico Delux

Mercédesz Tóth: Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence guitar cover by Merci

Simone van Straten, Emmelie Herwegh: Sisters of Suffocation - Pre-Order "Humans Are Broken"