
Debora Valençay: Lazy Song instrumental feat. Bruno Squillo

Julieta Saavedra: playing some funk with a live band and busking

Nili Brosh: announces pre order date for new album

Francesca Semeraro: Tears in the Rain - great cover of this Satriani classic

Trisha Lurie: Wrong Love - Behind-the-Scenes - Recording Sessions

Yuri Isobe: Scream Your Heart Out - ANGRA with Kiko Loureiro

Tina Guo: Eleanor Rigby

Katalina González: Rock Fusion soloing practice

Leah Woodward: Aliases shredder takes ALS Ice Bucket(s) Challenge

Eva Kourtes: blues jamming - a chance to grip it and rip it!

Julieta Saavedra: jamming in the tube station

Alana Springsteen: What I Wouldn't Give - Taylor Guitars booth for NAMM 2014

Alicyn Yaffee: Yardbird suite transcription

Monica Gheorghevici: Hufschmid 18th Anniversary entry

Yuki Yagimi: Cupid's Dead - Extreme

Ria: Pornograffitti (Extreme) cover-

Jodie Schell: The Shakers @ The Viper Club 08/08/14 Jack Lue Series

Yuri Isobe: Moment music video

Anouck André: Lâg T400 ACE - Blackbird - acoustic performance

Tess Tyler: working on Intervals

Moa Henriksson: Dead Heroine @ The Silverlake Lounge 08/08/14 Jack Lue Series

Sarah Michelle: Limelight, YYZ, Tom Sawyer! - RUSH solos!!!

Eva Vergilova: Jimi Hendrix - "Foxy Lady" gets the cheap caster treatment

Burcu Ozdereli, Fulya Akgun: Kırmızı - Cinnet - Metal Summerfest 2014 - Kucukciftlik Park