
Juliette Jade: ARS71: Juliette Jade (Valduriez) Interview - 2017

Chantel McGregor: Latest UK Tour Dates 2017

Erja Lyytinen: “Stolen Hearts” UK Tour September 2017

Jackie Parry, Jessica Parry: Dianthus - Part Of Me with Jinxx and Ronnie Ficarro

Katrin Child: Atonismen - Live In The Red Club III

Mary Spender: visits The Captain at Andertons, gets an interview, a behind the scenes look around and discusses $600 pedal board

Maria Barbieri: Furia Taurina - John Petrucci

Sherry Lin: BDK Pedal - Tailbone Over Drive Demo

Yue Miyagi: Instructional DVD "Practice with phrases! Pentatonic (In Japanese)

Sydney Ellen: Stairway to Heaven Solo - Led Zeppelin Cover