
Sarah Longfield: Tour Life and customs detainment - Trek Tour III

Nina Kubatzki: Free (Original) Playthrough

Nita Strauss: Combining Rhythm and Lead

Arielle: Interview Guitar Girl Magazine at Summer NAMM 2018

Isa Nielsen: Holy Wars and Synthetic Inoxia

Noelle dos Anjos: Amon Amarth - Pursuit of Vikings

Yuki: M16 / D_Drive (Yuki固定カメラ)

Mio Jäger, Milla Olsson: Frantic Amber - Live in Czech Republic 2018

Lindsay Ell: Rig Rundown - with Premier Guitar’s John Bohlinger

Eva Kourtes: plays the blues.

Narumi, Hazuki: RAMI - Get Freedom (LIVE)

Leah Sly, Jime Fosado: Tush Lynette Shebyrd - all-gyrl trybute to Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Lens Kidman: Morbid Angel - For No Master (guitar and drum cover)