
Jen Majura: plays... Dance Diabolique by Mattias IA Eklundh

Divaldi Addina: Jason's Perpetual Burn.. on Yngwie's Stratocaster

Virna Nova: Allemande Suite n°1 pour Luth en E min de Bach

Sarah Longfield: Sunshine The Werewolf Drum Cover

Deborah Manfredi, Ilaria Mattia: Dirty Chicks - all female ACDC tribute

Susan Santos: Dusty Road from the new album Skin & Bones

Divinity Roxx: ImPossible new album on bandcamp

Mayuo: Full Swing

Adunbee: Laid to Rest - Lamb of God

Nina Kalsarikännit: Querencia - Original solo guitar

Maru Martinez: Paper Hero - Express - second single from my band Paper Hero is out

Red Frandany: Lick Minor Harmonic - ripping solo

Eva Vergilova: "Temple of the King"- Rainbow - an interpretation