Sakura Yoshida: Deep Unknown / Stratovarius

sakura yoshida
19 years old

My account has been deleted.
Sorry to trouble you, but I'm happy if you register this and see it.

Previously, I was raising videos with this account
→kyo yoshida

And thank you for about 9000 people in the previous account.
I will try hard again

以前兄のアカウントkyo yoshidaで動画を上げていましたが、喧嘩してアカウントを消されてしまいました。

Twitter : @sakura_gt1228

Since it was my favorite song for a long time, I thought I could be the one I thought I picked up the sound It was just raised on December 10, 2017 in kyo yoshida At that time, it was 4.3 thousand times Thank you very much

Sakura Yoshida: Deep Unknown / Stratovarius
