Moo Chan: LOUDNESS - SDI + Let It Go + Roselia - LOUDER

It's far from the level where I can still play, but I've been practicing because I've been receiving more requests for LOUDNESS recently. When I can stand and play properly, I'd like to upload it again. If you have any advice, please m (_ _) m Recently, I've been getting more requests for LOUDNESS, so I'm practicing. It's a level I haven't played at all yet. When I can stand and play properly, I'd like to upload it again. If you have any advice, please.m (_ _) m

Moo Chan: [LOUDNESS] SDI Guitar practice

【LOUDNESS】Let It Go ギター弾いてみた(Guitar Cover)

【Roselia】LOUDER ギター弾いてみた(Guitar Cover)
